Communities in Control 2018
Our Community is Australia’s Centre of Excellence for the nation’s 600,000 not-for-profits organisations. It provides advice, easy to use tech tools, resources and training for people and organisations working to build stronger communities.
Each year Our Community holds a two day annual conference called Communities in Control. This year the theme of the Conference is “Activating community leadership to combat inequality” and will feature a range of speakers including Annabel Crab, Paul Higgins & Jamila Rizvi.
This conference provides an opportunity for community members who volunteer and support their community and local community groups to look up from the coalface and see what could be possible.
The message from it is that when communities are in charge of their own destinies and are able to set their own priorities, when they receive the practical support they need to design their own approaches and create their own solutions, they are happier, healthier and livelier places.
As a Community Foundation that resonates strongly with us, which is why we sent two community members to this conference last year. We are delighted to continue building capacity in this area and we are therefore supporting one of our Community Foundation members, Lindsay Oates to attend this two day conference. We look forward to hearing about the conference and the share some of the learnings on his return.
If you are interested, in finding out more about this conference and previous conferences held visit