
The Community Foundation’s Vision is that together with the community, we can make the whole community more prosperous, adaptive and resilient; that together we can make a difference. We welcome annual individual memberships from innovative people in our community who are aligned with our shared vision.

  • You will have voting rights on the election of Directors
  • You will be consulted occasionally in relation to particular projects or strategic planning sessions.
  • You will receive exclusive capacity building or skills development opportunities.
  • You will be invited to two members only events a year ( in addition to AGM ).
  • In addition to the community e-newsletter, you will receive a Quarterly Members Update.
  • You will be invited to join the Board and EO at events to celebrate and acknowledge the completion of community grant projects.
  • You will have access to our grants knowledge bank; what grants are available when and by segment.
  • You will have opportunities to engage further with the objectives of the Community Foundation through volunteering (if you wish).

Membership to the Mirboo North and District Community Foundation is on an individual basis.

Annual membership is:

  • $20 per person
  • $10 for concession card holders

Membership Application Form

Below you can download the PDF Membership Application Form, fill it out and return to the Community Foundation, or you can fill out the interest form below and the Community Foundation will be in contact with you to finalise your membership.


PLEASE NOTE: Please note that every new member that applies must have a proposer and seconder, who are current members of the Community Foundation. If you need a proposer and seconder and are not sure who to ask, please contact the friendly staff at the Community Foundation to discuss.

Membership Interest Form

  • DD slash MM slash YYYY
  • Fees

    Membership to the Mirboo North & District Community Foundation is on an individual basis. Annual Membership is $20 per person and $10 for concession card holders

    This Expression of Interest form is emailed directly to the Executive Officer of the Mirboo North and Community Foundation. The office will then contact you using the contact details you have provided in this form to finalise membership details and payment. Only designated staff and the Board of Directors have access to your personal information and it will not be disclosed to anyone else unless further consent is given.
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.