Communities in Control

Communities in Control

Communities in control


Our Community is Australia’s Centre of Excellence for the nation’s 600,000 not-for-profits organisations.  It provides advice, easy to use tech tools, resources and training for people and organisations working to build stronger communities.  Each year Our Community holds a two day annual conference called  Communities in Control.  This year the theme of the Conference is “What Makes Healthy Communities? People have the Power!” and will feature a range of speakers including Andrew Denton, Virginia Trioli and Benny Walker

The Community Foundation is delighted to announce that it will fund two places at the Communities in Control Conference on May 29 and 30, 2017.  Each ticket is valued at $385.  This Conference is run by Our Community and includes a range of interesting speakers from a variety of backgrounds. Check out the following website:

If you are interested in applying for a ticket to this two day community event on May 28 and 29, 2017, at Moonee Valley Racecourse, Melbourne, please send an email to with some information about yourself or your organisation as well as answers to the following questions:

1. How will your selection support your community group or the community in general?

2. What do you hope to achieve by attending the Communities in Control conference?

3. What else do you want to tell us in support of your application?



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