How can we build strong and resilient communities across our district? One way is to empower the people in our communities to find solutions for issues impacting them; to find better ways of doing things or simply to provide opportunities for everyone to connect, learn and live.
Often this lead to PROJECTS, but projects cost money. Where can people and community groups find the funds required to bring their great ideas / projects into reality?
One solution is GRANTS, but where and how do you find the grant programs to apply to which are suited to your Project?
In this article we are going to focus on the local grant makers in our district, and provide you with a list of what local grants programs exist, who can apply , when you can apply for them and when you will be able to kick off your project…
(Remember, expenditure must take place after grant is announced, you cannot back-date, so date of announcement is when you will be able to kick off your project in earnest).
South Gippsland Shire
SGS has three grant streams available to the public:
– Small Grants program
– Emergency Grants Program
– Community Grants program
Small Grants Program
Each month applications can be made to the Shire for small grants of up to $1,000. The closing date is the last day of the month and the decision to grant will be confirmed by the last day of the following month. No matched funds are required under this program.
Emergency Grants Program
Applications can be made to this program at any time for amounts between $1,000 and $5,000, but funds must be matched by a 50% contribution (financial and/or in-kind). The decision will be made within approx. two weeks.
Community Grants Program
The SGS’ community grants program runs twice a year with closing dates on 31 March and 31 August. There are four sub-categories within this program and each has a different requirements:
- Minor Projects and Equipment – grants of between $1,000 to $5,000, with 50% matching;
- Celebrations, Festivals and Events Grants – grants of $1,000 to $10,000 with 50% matching;
- Planning & Development Reports – grants of between $1,000 and $10,000, no matching;
- Major Projects and Equipment – grants of between $5,000 and $10,000, 50% matching.
Decisions in relation to the award of the Community Grants are announced at the end of June and November respectively.
Applicants for all of these grants must be voluntary community organisations who are incorporated, auspiced or a section 86 committee within SGS. There are no restrictions on sports clubs applying. For more details see the SGS 2017/8 Community Grants Guidelines.
Mirboo North & District Community Foundation
Our Community Foundation has three grants streams:
- Education Support Fund
- Strategic Grants program
- Community Grants program
Education Support Fund (‘ESF’)
The ESF is an annual program to provide financial support to students in our district who are taking up the first year of a post compulsory educational course (Uni, TAFE, on-line). Applications open on 1st October and close mid to end of November. The Awards are announced in early February as the students commence their tertiary studies.
The guidelines and application forms for this grants stream are issued each year on the opening date. If you are a subscriber to our e-newsletter, we will remind you of the opening and closing date during the year.
Strategic Grants Program
This grants program is open throughout the year and welcomes applicants at any time. There is no limit on the value for which the applicant may apply in relation to a strategic project, but the higher the value, the more detail will be required in the application process.
The current guidelines and application forms are under review, so simply get in touch with the Executive Officer if you would like to pursue this grants program.
Community Grants Program
The Community Foundation’s Community Grants program is an annual program which opens on 1st September each year. Applications close on 30th September and the grants are awarded at the AGM which takes place mid to end of November.
Applications are open to incorporated community organisations for projects which have ‘charitable purposes’. This is quite a technical legal definition, which specifically excludes sport, but in general most projects carried out by volunteers for the good of the community will be in the right ball park. Please contact us to discuss whether or not your project falls within ‘charitable purposes’ or not ( or 0418 301 092)
The guidelines and application forms for this grants stream are issued each year on the opening date. If you are a subscriber to our e-newsletter, we will remind you of the opening and closing date during the year.
Mirboo North & District Community Bank, Branch of Bendigo Bank
The MN&D Community Bank’s community grants program is an annual program which opens each year on 1st July and closes on 31st July. Successful recipients will be announced at the AGM towards the end of October.
Guidelines and application forms are issued when the grants program opens each year.
It is important to remember that all of us know a lot more than we may think about how to improve and strengthen our communities. In working with others in the community, we can apply for grants and put our ideas into action for the benefit of all.