We live in a beautiful part of Gippsland perched upon rolling hills of productive farmland and native bush. Some have grown up here, whilst others have chosen this spot where the tall trees and native habitat are interlinked with our day to day lives.
The feedback from the community has told us that the damage to the natural environment from the February storm has had a huge impact – on the beauty of our town, on our ability to enjoy our gardens, properties and native bush, as well as on the habitat for our native animals. It has also told us that the healing of our community is deeply connected to the healing of our natural environment.
A Path to Healing
In response to this feedback the Community Recovery Working Group has developed the framework for a community-led disaster recovery program called Healing in Our Environment.

This program aims to restore hope for regeneration, to help residents heal and renew through replanting and revitalization of our gardens, properties and surrounding natural environment; all the while building social connections.
Healing in our Environment is an umbrella program for a range of events, activities and resources that may come through local community organisations, businesses, individual volunteers, government or other agencies.

Connecting Community Through Environmental Restoration
This might look like sessions on garden design or propagating garden plants; it might involve talks on revegetation of properties; it might involve guided walks through native bush; or working bees to replant in public reserves.
See some dates that are already in the calendar in this week’s Recovery Column – guided walks and working bee at Baths Road Reserve on Sunday 27th October; Revegetation walk and talk on local property on Saturday 9th November.

The Community Recovery working group would appreciate your ideas for useful sessions and activities. Or you may want to share your passion for gardening or get your hands dirty by connecting with working bees to helping impacted residents or regenerate our native bush? If so, we want to hear from you too.
You can email recovery@southgippsland.gov.au or call into the Co-Space on Tuesday or Thursday each week between 10am – 3pm.