How can we build strong and resilient communities across our district?
One way is to empower the people in our communities to find solutions for issues impacting them; to find better ways of doing things or simply to provide opportunities for everyone to connect, learn and live. But where can people and community groups find the funds required to bring their great ideas / projects into reality?
Last month we outlined the grants programs within our district, but this month we focus on grant makers outside of our district, outlining 10 Grant Programs which are currently open. We hope this will provide a useful resource, perhaps inspiring our community to access funds to put their great ideas into practice.
Take the time to look at these grant makers websites and see stories about other community’s projects, get some ideas and inspirations that could be delivered to our community.
Going forward, we will provide a new resource section in our monthly e-newsletter outlining grants programs that are currently available and in what areas.
Happy Grant Writing!
We outline the details of the following 10 grant programs below – please scroll down to grant program of interest.
1. Momentum Energy and Junior Landcare: Powerful Youth Projects relating to sustainability or environmental projects.
Amount up to $1,000
2. Visit Victoria: Regional Events Fund to develop regional events. Amount Up to $20,000.
3. Regional Development Victoria : Stronger Regional Communities Plan; Amount Up to $50,000
4. Foundation for Rural and Regional Renewal (FRRR) – Small Grants for Rural Communities Round 33;
Amount Up to $5,000
5. FRRR – Gardiner Dairy Foundation Working in Dairy Communities Small Grants; Amount up to $5,000
6. Bank First (Teachers Mutual Bank) : Teaching Initiative Program; Amount: $200 to $2,000
7. Helen McPherson Smith Trust: three grants programs
One off – amount up to $30,000),
Multi-year (amount between $31,000 and $90,000) and
Impact (amount between $91,000 and $200,000).
Specific programs in Education, Community, Arts & Culture, Environment and Health
8. The RE Ross Trust: Amounts up to $10,000 for one year; $30,000 for periods of up to 3 years;
Impact areas: improve outcomes for disadvantaged and marginalized; children and young people at risk; achievement of
equity and excellence in education, public arts and culture; protection of Australian flora and fauna.
9. Telematics Trust: Grants for innovative use of technology through education and training; Amount Up to $50,000
10. Department of Environment, Land, Water & Planning: Living Heritage Program; Amount: $20,000 – $200,000
1. Provider : Momentum Energy and Junior Landcare
Powerful Youth Projects
Amount : $1,000
Momentum Energy and Junior Landcare are partnering again in 2018 to fund 200 sustainability or environmental projects in Victorian schools, childcare centres and youth groups.
Grants of up to $1,000 will be available for sustainable or environmental projects such as: Veggie gardens, Bush tucker gardens, Composting or recycling projects and other sustainable ideas.
Key Dates: Applications open Monday 12 February 2018 (9am 2018)
Applications close Thursday 22 March 2018 (5pm EST)
Successful applicants notified Thursday 26 April 2018
For further details visit:
Guidelines for applicant:
2. Provider : Visit Victoria
Regional Events Fund
Amount Up to $20,000
The Regional Events Fund was announced in the 2016/17 Victorian Budget to secure and develop a strong calendar of regional events for Victoria that align with the State and regional tourism brands and can drive economic impact through the attraction of intrastate, interstate and international visitation.
Visit Victoria and the Department of Economic Development, Jobs, Transport and Resources (DEDJTR) administer the Regional Events Fund which will include the contestable Regional Events and Marketing Partnership Program (REMPP).
Key Dates: Round 3 2017/18
Opens 2 January 2018
EOI’s Close 16 March 2018
Applications Close 30 March 2018
Will be announced in May 2018
Round 4 2017/18
Opens 2nd April 2018
EOI’s Close 15th June 2018
Applications Close 29th June 2018
Will be announced in August 2018
For further details visit:
Guidelines for applicants:
3. Provider : Regional Development Victoria
Stronger Regional Communities Plan
Amount Up to $50,000
The Stronger Regional Communities Plan program stream aims to develop and strengthen local people’s capacity to make a difference in their communities. It will do this by increasing participation and diversity in priority projects, processes and planning that address local challenges.
Activities that may be considered include initiatives that:
- encourage and provide opportunities for local community participation in the design and delivery of significant projects, processes and planning within a region
- address economic development challenges through locally-led partnerships
- build the skills of people to participate in projects, processes and planning significant to the region.
Key Dates: Always Open
For further details visit:
Guidelines for applicants:
4. Provider: Foundation for Rural and Regional Renewal (FRRR)
Gardiner Dairy Foundation Working in Dairy Communities Small Grants
Amount: Up to $5,000
Gardiner Dairy Foundation is committed to strengthening Victorian dairy communities and is partnering with FRRR for the sixteenth consecutive year to provide $100,000 in funding for innovative, community-driven projects.
These grants of up to $5,000 aim to strengthen small Victorian dairy communities, helping to build their capacity to deal with local issues, and enhance existing community infrastructure.
Key Dates: Applications open 5th February 2018
Applications close 19th March 2018
Projects must commence after July 2018
For further details visit:
Guidelines for applicants:
5. Provider: Foundation for Rural and Regional Renewal (FRRR)
Small Grants for Rural Communities – Round 33
Amount Up to $5,000
Small Grants for Rural Communities is the longest running and broadest program FRRR offers, opening twice per year.
It is a great example of a collaborative program that is supported by various partners, and it has the flexibility to address issues that make a real difference to the sustainability of rural, regional and remote communities.
Projects funded through this program address the following areas:
- Building Community Resilience: for example, projects that: facilitate community connectedness; develop leadership capacity within the community; improve local community infrastructure and meeting places; support and develop volunteer community groups; and increase community preparedness to natural disasters.
- Developing Organisational Resilience and Capacity: for example, projects that: strengthen local not-for-profit organisations’ operational infrastructure; improve service delivery through equipment upgrades; increase skill development of committees of management; and provide support for planning and sustainability.
- Enhancing Environmental Sustainability: for example, projects that: increase awareness of local environmental issues; provide opportunities for local residents to care for the local environment; and restore, protect and promote the local natural environment.
- Fostering Cultural Vibrancy: for example, projects that: celebrate, preserve and promote local culture and identity; foster the arts through creative projects, and provide support for local artists and the arts community.
- Lifelong Education & Training: for example, projects that: provide local residents with access to opportunities that enrich their learning and skills development, from cradle to grave.
- Economic Strength: for example, projects that: create local employment and training with an employment outcome; stimulate new spending within a community or region; support events that attract visitors and which can demonstrate an economic benefit as a result; and attract new residents to a community or region and improve economic prosperity.
- Improving Community Health & Social Wellbeing: for example, projects that: address physical health, improved nutrition and access to fresh food; support sustainable local food systems; enhance mental health; and assist vulnerable community members to improve their health and wellbeing.
Key Dates: Applications open 14th February 2018
Applications close 28th March 2018
Projects must commence after July 2018
For further details visit:
Guidelines for applicants:
6. Provider: Bankfirst
Teaching Initiative Program
Amount: $200 to $2,000
Bank First is proud to present our Teaching Initiatives Program for 2018, offering grants to schools and preschools across Victoria for innovative learning ideas and programs.
A share in $30,000 is available for initiatives that enhance student learning outcomes in the following categories:
– Indigenous culture.
– Sustainability.
– Engage with Asia.
– General curriculum.
Key Dates: Applications now open
For further details visit:
Guidelines for applicants:
7. Provider: Helen Macpherson Smith Trust ( HMS Trust)
Multi Year Grant $31,000 – $90,000
Impact Grants $91,000 – $200,000
One Off Grants up to $30,000
The HMS Trust’s grants structure is based on a clearly defined set of grant programs and key objectives.
The five key objectives represent the Trust’s core funding criteria. Your project should meet at least three of these objectives, in addition to matching to at least one focus area for the specific program you intend to apply under.
The five key objectives are:
Strengthening rural and regional Victoria
To strengthen the capacity, resilience and potential of communities in rural and regional Victoria.
Reducing inequality
To reduce disadvantage, protect basic rights and extend opportunities for Victorians, with a special interest in equity for women, girls and Indigenous Victorians.
Enabling financial sustainability
To enable viable and sustainable initiatives that will continue to have an impact well beyond the period of our grant.
Building organisational capacity
To develop the capabilities and capacity of organisations, communities and sectors to improve long-term benefits to Victoria.
Encouraging collaboration and partnership
To maximise the impact of the Trust’s social investments through collaboration and partnerships across community sectors. Partnerships include other service providers and/or other funders including government.
Specific Program areas are: Education, Community, Arts & Culture, Environment and Health
HMSTrust will only fund charitable organisations that meet our eligibility criteria. Individuals are not eligible to apply.
One-off Grants – up to $30,000
- 1-stage online application process
- One-off grants for smaller projects which deliver good, practical community outcomes
- Projects are normally completed within one year, but can extend over a longer period
- Available for all program areas except for Health
- 2-month turnaround from application closing date to notification
Key Dates: Applications open 21st August 2018
Applications close 31st September 2018
Multi-year Grants – Total funding of $31,000 to $90,000 (over 2 to 3 years)
- Initial consultation with HMSTrust Grants staff is recommended. We encourage you to contact us before the grants round opens. Contact Grants staff here
- 1-stage online application process
- 2 to 3-year grants for larger projects which deliver good, practical community outcomes
- Projects are 2-3 years in duration, and grant payments are made in annual instalments dependent on receipt of a satisfactory Project Report and Financial Acquittal
- Available for all program areas except for Health
- 2-month turnaround from application closing date to notification
Key Dates: Applications open 16th January 2018
Applications closed 15th February 2018
Impact Grants – Total funding of $91,000 to $200,000 (up to 3 years)
Impact Grants are by enquiry only. Initial consultation with HMSTrust Grants staff is required. Due to the volume of enquiries they receive, it is recommend you contact them well in advance for the opening date of the grants round and not leave it until the last minute.
Impact Grants are available in all program areas, are highly competitive and few are awarded.
Impact Grants respond to larger funding requests for well-developed projects, with clearly defined milestones based on solid data. These grants involve a longer and more complex application process. Here are the key differences:
- There is a 2-stage online application process.
- Grants up to 3 years are considered for projects which clearly demonstrate positive long-term social impact. Applications will need to include:
- Sustainable business model
- Robust business plan supported by substantiated data
- Milestones for each year of funding
- Confirmed partnerships and collaborations
- Clearly defined outputs and outcomes
- Plans for measurement and evaluation
- Detailed project budget
- Benefits to the broader sector
- 4-month turnaround from Stage 1 application closing date to notification.
- Grant payments for multi-year grants are made in annual instalments dependent on receipt of satisfactory progress report and financial acquittal.
Key Dates: Applications open 10th April 2018
Applications close 31st May 2018
For further details visit:
Guidelines for applicants:
8. Provider: The RE Ross Trust
Grants up to $10,000 for one year
Grants up to $30,000 for periods of up to 3 years
Grants of up to $10,000 may be sought for one year only which includes small grants for capacity building, or;
Grants may be sought for periods of up to three years to a maximum of $30,000 per year. Multi-year grants may be made where there is clear evidence that the organisation can demonstrate the impact to be achieved over this timeframe.
The RE Ross Trust accepts application under four chosen impact areas:
- Improved outcomes for the most disadvantaged, vulnerable and marginalised Victorians
- Improved outcomes for children and young people at risk (0–18 years)
- Improved access to and achievement of equity and excellence in public education, arts and culture
- Protection and preservation of Australian flora and fauna
The Ross Trust can only consider requests from organisations that:
- Operate in Victoria or who will use the grant for the benefit of Victorians
- Have an ABN (Australian Business Number)
- Are incorporated.
Key Dates: Applications always open
For further details visit:
Guidelines for applicants:
9. Provider: Telematics Trust
Grants demonstrating innovative use of technology through education and training.
Amount Up to $50,000
The vision of Telematics Trust is for technology to transform lives through education and training for the cultural, social and economic benefit of Victorians.
The Mission is to:
- support our vision by demonstrating innovative use of technology through education and training.
- demonstrate the innovative use of technology through education and learning which aim to measurably improve the well-being of the community and environment
- provide unique funding opportunities to individuals, Educational Institutions, Government, Business, social enterprises and Not-for-Profit organisations
- use technology to reach diverse groups and address important practical problems
in our community and environment.
In pursuit of this mission, Telematics Trust targets initiatives that:
- deserve special distinction
- would be assisted by seeding grants
- are not generally within the province of other funding bodies
The Trust provides unique funding opportunities to individuals, Educational Institutes, Government, Business, social enterprises and Not-for-Profit organisations.
Key Dates: Applications open 5th March 2018
Applications close 30th March 2018
For further details visit:
Guidelines for applicants:
10. Provider: VIC Department of Environment, Land, Water & Planning
Living Heritage Program
Amount: $20,000 – $200,000
The Living Heritage Program was launched in 2016 and will provide $36.5 million over four years to safeguard and reactivate Victoria’s key heritage resources.
The program includes $8.5 million for a competitive community heritage grants program targeting “at risk” State-listed heritage places. The Program aims to enable owners and managers to undertake necessary conservation works to address the needs of their heritage place or object, and in doing so, support the ongoing and sustainable use of our most significant heritage assets. Funding is provided to support projects that address the risk to the place or object.
Key Dates: Applications open 1 February 2018
Applications close 13 April 2018
Successful applicants notified from July 2018
For further details visit:
Guidelines for applicants: