Kids Matter Expo

KIDS MATTER EXPO – 9 March 2016

Recently Mirboo North Primary School held their first Kids Matter Expo / Family day. The day was a great success!


Kids Matter and MindMatters is a Framework for examining all the practices, procedures and policies in the school which promotes student well-being. 

Student engagement and well-being is fostered through a caring and supportive environment and a quality curriculum. Both schools aim to promote positive mental health and well-being through a strong sense of community that encompasses staff, students and families and the broader community. Within a strong sense of community, school attendance is maximized, positive behaviour support reduces student management issues, emotional support enhances understanding and academic performance increases. Both schools have developed well-being policies that give an understanding that student well-being is promoted using a whole school approach which examines all aspects of school life including curriculum, the environment, procedures and policies.

Students need to be empowered with the skills which will take them through life. This includes the ability to know how to manage stress, the ability to make and maintain friendships and support networks and to know when to seek help.

The Foundation was delighted to assist both the Primary School and the High School in providing a strategic grant to support the programs.

The video below provides more of an insight as to what Kids Matter is about.