Mirboo North & District Community Foundation – AGM and Farewell
The Mirboo North & District Community Foundation held its AGM on Monday 28th November 2016, at the Mirboo North Recreation Rooms. As always, the formalities included a report by the Chair of our Board, Paul Pratt, outlining the highlights of the previous year including the hosting of the National Community Foundations Forum #16 together with the Bass Coast Community Foundation, the appointment of a new Executive Officer, Ruth Rogan and the Review of our engagement with our Community (for full details, see our Annual Report 2015/6.)
Rob Kiddell, Convenor of the Compliance and Finance committee gave a summary of the financial statement noting that the Board were pleased with the current financial results during volatile ecomonic circumstances: the original investment of the $5.09 million (the proceeds of the sale of our community aged care facility in 2008/9) has grown to $7.3 million at 30th June 2016. As this investment grows, so too do the annual earnings from the investment, which are then fed back into the community – since 2010 over $600,000 has been distributed to the Mirboo North & District in community grants, sponsorship and strategic grants. Also at the AGM, Kate Buxton, Grant Irving and Diana Mueller were re-elected as Directors for further terms of three years.
At the conclusion, Paul Pratt noted that the AGM had been Derrick Ehmke’s final duty as the Executive Officer of the Community Foundation. A number of people spoke about the remarkable contribution Derrick has made in our community through his dedication and hard work. Judy Speedy, who was Chair of Mirboo North Community Care at the time it was sold, thanked Derrick for his commitment over 15 years to both the community care facility and the Community Foundation which arose from its sale. Initially a volunteer on the Board of the Community Care she noted that he brought ‘considerable business experience, a wise head, maturity and a keen desire to contribute to the betterment of his community’. Derrick was Vice Chair when the Community Care Board took the brave and stressful decision to sell the community aged care, and then was Chair of the Board of the transitional body which set up the Community Foundation, its brand, structure and a whole new philosophy. After another few years of tireless effort, the Community Foundation realised that there was a need for an on-going operational role, and Derrick became the first Executive Officer.
Following Judy, Paul Pratt spoke about how much of our Community Foundation’s success is due to Derrick’s vision, professionalism and hard work, which has made a huge difference for the better in our community and helped so many organisations . Paul concluded by saying ‘Derrick is a determined, kind, wise and compassionate man who will be greatly missed’. Ed Hanley also said a few words of thanks to Derrick, on behalf of the Dumbalk and District Progress Association. He noted that the assistance which Derrick had provided to the DDPA over many years around the writing of grants and developing projects had been very much appreciated and had helped build strong relationships with the local community. Ruth Rogan concluded by saying that Derrick was a great example of the commitment and energy that members of our community have and that we are lucky to live in a place where individuals come together to plan for the future and make things happen for the good of the community as a whole.