It seems hard to believe that a year has passed already.
The team at the Community Foundation caught up with Mirboo North Medical Centre team last Thursday to mark the occasion of the first birthday of the spacious medical and allied health facility, built by the Mirboo North & District Community Foundation in 2021.
This time last year, the Community Foundation’s impact investment of $1.85 million into this facility was completed on time and under budget. The whole community celebrated its opening prior to it becoming operational on 14th December 2021.
“The purpose-built facility has exceeded all our expectations and has provided better access to medical and allied health services for all in our community,” said Dr. Sonya Moncrieff. “Our previous clinic had no space to accommodate additional medical practitioners. With a significant expansion from two to five consulting rooms, we are aiming to have a strong medical team, including four Doctors, and various Allied Health Professionals.”
Since it opened, its services have gradually increased, adding a physiotherapist in January, Dorevitch Pathology in February and a new bulk billing GP in June. The services of existing psychologists, diabetic nurse educator and podiatrists have also been able to expand.
‘We recently looked at the numbers,” said Belinda Porter, Practice Manager, “we have had 32,000 patients through the facility since we have opened.”
While we don’t have direct evidence as yet, we expect that this expanded and affordable health service has already lead to health improvements within the district. With the growth of GPs to more than 3 EFT, the practice is certainly working towards attaining its vision of excellent accessible and sustainable healthcare in the community.