MNSC VCAL Awards 2017

MNSC VCAL Awards 2017

MNSCVCAL Awards2017


The Mirboo North & District Community Foundation is one of the many organisations who support and sponsor the annual awards to the students of the Mirboo North Secondary College as they finish their school year. 

In our case, the funds for this support come from a generous bequest received by the Community Foundation from the estate of Bob Bruhn.  These funds, which were received in 2013, were applied according to the wishes of the family: half went into a perpetual fund to support the VCAL program at Mirboo North Secondary College, and half went into a fund to support the redevelopment of the Mirboo North Swimming Pool. 

While the swimming pool redevelopment funds await their use in the upcoming redevelopment project, the VCAL fund has been active since 2013, with financial support being provided to the VCAL award winners.

This year the winners of the VCAL awards were:

The Year 11 Achievement Award went to Jazmin Carroll, who not only kept up with all the work involved with the VCAL program but was also very active in extra curricular activities.  She was involved behind the scenes in organising Youth Week and ensuring it all ran smoothly.

Jazmin Carroll

The Year 11 Personal Best Award was awarded to John Smith.  John was described as a pleasure to teach… brilliant with hands on tasks and fixing things and with plenty of entrepreneurial skills.  He not only excelled in Horticulture in Y11,  he also regularly fixed the TAFE horticulture equipment!

John Smith

The Year 12 Personal Best Award went to Georgina Veldhuizen, a personable self-motivated student who always made sure she was on top of her workload.  Georgina was also of huge assistance with lots of school activities, from the school magazine to the Y12 Graduation dinner.

Georgina Veldhuizen

And finally, the Year 12 Personal Growth Award went to Thomas Marshall, who found his groove studying Horticulture at TAFE.  He developed the confidence and skills not only to complete his workload, but to engage in discussion and group work with ease and a welcome sense of humour. 

Thomas Marshall

We congratulate each of these worthy winners for the awards they have won, and wish them on-going success in 2018.