Out of Rounds Community Grants – Wednesday Warriors

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Out of Round Grants

The Community Foundation has an annual Community Grants Program, which opens each September.  However it has always been a priority for the Community Foundation to be responsive to need and this year we have formalised a process whereby groups and organisations who need support outside of our annual program can access it: there is now an option for Community Groups and organisations to make an “Out of Rounds” grant application.

Legend has it that Russell Broadbent was responsible for naming our Wednesday Warriors (more formally know as Friends of the Lyre Bird Forest Walk) when he joined them at a working bee one morning.  The now famous Wednesday Warriors are certainly an amazing dynamic group of volunteers, who give up their time every Wednesday morning to work on our beautiful Grand Ridge Rail Trail, as well as the Lyrebird Walk.   Their dedication not only maintains both of these trails / tracks for the use of the community, but if you are a regular user you will also notice the ‘extras’; whether it is a new sign, a newly cleared area with a picnic bench or a new viewing point or track.

Last week the Ruth Rogan and Viv Williams from the Community Foundation joined Warren Warner (president of the Wednesday Warriors) and the rest of their members on their morning tea break, to celebrate the arrival of their new twin cab utility vehicle.

It was with great excitement that they received their new vehicle, as their existing single cab utility had become aged, less reliable and expensive to maintain. Due to the ageing of the vehicle they were having to become reliant on using members vehicles for the work, which is then not covered by the Wednesday Warrior’s insurance.  With grant funding from FRRR, South Gippsland Shire Council and the Mirboo North & District Community Foundation, they were able to buy a second hand vehicle which will provide effective and safe transport out and around the trails for many years to come.


With the new vehicle in place, the Wednesday Warriors can get back to their tasks which includes general track maintenance, providing outdoor seating, solving drainage issues, installing signage, revegetation, spraying, wood splitting, raking, digging and chain sawing to mention a few.

It is also worth highlighting a less well know activity of this tightknit team: the kind contribution of trailer loads of wood which they gather as they work.  They donate this wood to support community groups and organisations in their fundraising efforts, and to individuals in need.

The Community Foundation is delighted to provide some of the financial support for enabling this community minded group to continue its work for the benefit of the whole community. 

If you are part of a community organisation with a project or great idea that is time sensitive and cannot wait until our usual Community Grants round in September each year, please reach out to us on 0418 301 092 or info@mirboodistrictfoundation.org.au.