The generosity and support for Mirboo North post the storm event continues to flow.
One beautiful example is the community of Inverloch, through the Inverloch Community House, who have decided to support their Mirboo North ‘neighbours’ through their love of gardening and plants.
Community Support Blossoms
They have called this project Rebuild and Regrow Residential Gardens of Mirboo North and are encouraging individuals to take cuttings of their favourite plants, to grow vegetable and flower seedlings, to divide strawberry and raspberry plants, all of which to be donated to Mirboo North residents whose gardens have been damaged by the storm. The Wonthaggi seed bank has also provided several trays of seedlings and volunteers are potting them up and growing them on.
The team behind this project are encouraging gardeners to start now, so that the plants will be well established and ready for planting at the end of June – they have even provided detail on what to focus on in what month – see the attached image. As you will see, there is an option for the non-gardeners to purchase plants from the local Mirboo North Nursery, which also suffered significant damage in the storm but is restocked and open for business.
Planting Hope: How You Can Get Involved
For Mirboo North locals, the day to keep in your diary is Sunday 23rd June, when these plants will be gathered in Inverloch and brought to Mirboo North for sharing with those who need to refresh and regrow their damaged gardens. The Community Foundation will help facilitate the sharing of plants – further details to follow, but we expect there will be a community bbq, an information session on how and where to use the plants, as well as some helpers to get them planted.
If you want to find out more about the Rebuild and Regrow Gardens of Mirboo North project, contact Gero at Inverloch Community House 5674 2444.
In the interim, don’t forget that Plant Hope continues to offer opportunities for replanting. Plant Hope has a range of small and larger plants which are located on the footpath outside St. Mary’s Church identified with a hand painted sign and this set of simple instructions: 1. Take a plant for your home; 2. Take a plant for a friend or neighbour who has lost their garden or 3. Leave a plant under the Plant Hope sign as a gift for someone else.