In the first week of October, there was a gathering of almost 70 older people for lunch at the Mirboo North Hotel. This subsidised lunch was hosted by the Mirboo North & District Community Foundation thanks to a grant from South Gippsland Shire Council in celebration of Seniors Month.
The attendees, who almost completely filled the dining area of the Hotel, thoroughly enjoyed the delicious meal, including desert. There was a buzz of conversation throughout: some people had come with groups of friends, some with family; some came under their own steam and others needed assistance.

“We were delighted to be able to host this lunch funded by South Gippsland Shire Council.
While there were many familiar faces, I also met people who were new to town and people who didn’t know anyone, other than the friend who had invited them,” said Ruth Rogan, Executive Officer of the Mirboo North & District Community Foundation. “If the sound of laughter and enthusiastic conversation was anything to go by, it seemed everyone was pretty happy with the opportunity to reconnect.”
There were a range of door prizes purchased from the local businesses by the Community Foundation, which gave the meal an air of celebration as these were announced.
Ruth Rogan explained that these door prizes were funded from the earnings of a sub-fund set up in 2021.
Apparently, the Mirboo North Community Seniors Fund was created within the Community Foundation by the Mirboo North senior citizens group when it wound up its operations.
As there was more than $40,000 accumulated in the seniors organisation at that point, from years of fundraising, running programs in the Baromi Centre, they decided to donate these funds to the Community Foundation and create a perpetual fund.
The group specified that each year the earnings from this fund would go to the support the seniors in the Mirboo North community.
Over the past year that has included equipment for U3A, Mirboo North and a range of free morning teas in local businesses and through the CWA, Mirboo North Night Owls.
“Thanks to Cavell Ferrier, Positive Aging Officer at South Gippsland Shire Council, for her assistance in getting funding for this event,” concluded Ruth. “Cavell is a treasure trove of information of use to older adults – if you are not already on her Community 55+ e-newsletter, google South Gippsland and Community 55 and it will link you to the subscription page.”
If you want to find out more about the Mirboo North Community Seniors Fund, have a look at