Recovery Program: Healing in our Environment
We live in a beautiful part of Gippsland perched upon rolling hills of productive farmland and native bush. Some have grown up here, whilst others have chosen this spot where the tall trees and native habitat are interlinked with our day to day lives. The feedback from the community has…
Read MorePlants for Rebuilding Gardens
Last Sunday the Mirboo North Shire Hall was not only filled with hundreds of donated plants: natives, herbs, succulents, flowering shrubs, orchids, but with local community members who wanted help with rebuilding gardens. A Day of Community and Greenery If you had a small or large gap in your garden,…
Read MoreRefresh and Regrow Gardens of Mirboo North
The generosity and support for Mirboo North post the storm event continues to flow. One beautiful example is the community of Inverloch, through the Inverloch Community House, who have decided to support their Mirboo North ‘neighbours’ through their love of gardening and plants. Community Support Blossoms They have called this…
Read MoreBeginning Recovery…. Plant Hope
After the storm event each of us will take our own path to recovery in our own time, but the Mirboo North Community Recovery Fund has started to make some small grants to support this important process. Sowing Seeds of Community Resilience Recognising that connecting as a community brings us…
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