Wendy Major: Board Director of our Community Foundation
Wendy moved to Mirboo North a few years ago from Bairnsdale, and has become actively involved in the Mirboo North & District community. She carried out a volunteer role for the Community Foundation leading to her joining the Board in 2013.
She is currently Executive Officer of the South Gippsland Bass Coast Local Learning and Employment Network (LLEN) which puts her in a great position to understand the needs of young people in education and employment. Wendy has served on a number of Boards and School Councils over many years and is a member of the LLEN Network Executive.
Wendy is a currently an active member of the Grants and Community Connections committee, recently representing the Community Foundation at the Choo Choo Market held at the Shire Hall. She also represented the Community Foundation at the recent Fundraising Strategy Workshop organised by the Friends of the Mirboo North Swimming Pool.
Where did you grow up?
I grew up in East Gippsland at Waygara near Orbost
How did you first get involved in the Mirboo North & District Community Foundation and why did you join the Board?
I was invited to participate in a grants round as an independent assessor of the grant applications and from there was asked if I was interested in joining the Board. Being relatively new in town I jumped at the chance to contribute to the community and get to meet the locals.
You are currently the Executive Officer at South Gippsland Bass Coast LLEN. What do you think is the biggest challenge facing young people living in regional areas?
Disengagement from learning is the biggest issue for young people and a major concern for schools and families. Young people who attend school regularly can also be disengaged and there are growing concerns about anxiety and mental health. This is a cultural issue and something we must all address by supporting our schools and valuing the role of young people in our community.
What motivates you to volunteer in the community?
Being part of a community and having a sense of belonging gives volunteers the opportunity to be part of something bigger than themselves.
Which person has supported you most in your life and how has this helped you?
I have had a number of mentors in my life but I am privileged to belong to a network of strong, successful women who have informed and strengthened my values and commitment.
What would you most like to tell yourself at age 13?
That the world is a much bigger and better place than you can imagine, with so many more opportunities to explore.
What is your favourite time of day for you and why?
I like the late afternoon when I can put the day behind me and look forward to the sunset and the play of light over the hills as I drive home from work
Is there a documentary or book that really changed the way you thought about something?
Two novels, ‘The First 15 Lives of Harry August’ and ‘Sophie’s World’, both entertaining but really make you think about philosophies of life and time
If you had to work on only one project for the next year, what would it be?
I had a friend who took a redundancy package, rented out her house and travelled the world for a year – that would suit me just fine.
What is a new skill you’d like to learn and why?
There are functions on my phone I still haven’t mastered …