Funds from Storm wood reinvested in Community Recovery Fund

Almost $50,000 has been donated to the Mirboo North Community Recovery Fund to support recovery across the community through activities like replanting, mental health first aid training, community events and programs at the Mirboo North Schools.

Forest Fire Management Victoria Channels Storm Wood Revenue Back into Community Recovery Efforts

Following the February storm Forest Fire Management Victoria (FFMVic) and other emergency services removed fallen and hazardous trees, opened roads and supported the restoration of critical infrastructure. The emergency response required the collection of significant volumes of windfallen wood which was initially stored at a temporary location for processing. 

Reeling from the loss of thousands of trees, the Mirboo North community was keen to see the value from this wood channelled back into the local community as much as possible. FFMVic responded through the processing and commercialisation of 150 cubic metres of high value saw log and 800 cubic metres of firewood. The sale of this wood generated $46,877 of revenue which was donated to the Mirboo North Community Recovery Fund within the Community Foundation.  In addition to this donation, 140 tonnes of timber was given to the Mirboo North Timber Reclamation Project and the local community have accessed 3,000 cubic metres of free mulch so far (more free mulch will be available at the transfer station later this spring). 

“This is a really strong and resilient community that have rallied together to support one another” says Deputy Chief Fire Officer Sam Quigley, “and it’s wonderful to see some of the value we’ve been able to generate from the storm-damaged trees and debris go towards the community members’ recovery.”

Mirboo North Rebuilds: Replanting, Mental Health Support, and Community Projects Funded by Timber Sales

Through this revenue and the amazing generosity of individuals, community organisations and businesses within and outside of our district, the Mirboo North Community Recovery Fund has received almost $95,000 in donations.  More than $40,000 of these donations have gone out into recovery projects and events already –  including machinery for the Storm Cell Volunteers, numerous community gatherings, plants for Plant Hope, the Stormbirds Program for the MN Schools and support for Christmas decorations for Ridgway.

“The Community Recovery Fund will continue to support community led recovery projects into 2025,” added Ruth Rogan, Executive Officer of the Community Foundation.  “Projects in the pipeline include replanting on public and private land, more chainsaw training, resources for Mirboo North Timber Reclamation Project and some more events.”

If you would like to find out more about the Community Recovery Fund or have an idea for a recovery project, please reach out to us at or call Ruth on 0418 301 092.